Friday, May 22, 2020

CS402 Assignment 1 solution 2020 with Download File

Solution of thoery of automata also here.

Q1. Show that the following pairs of regular expressions define the same language over the alphabet.
L = {p,q}.
1.       (pq)*p  and p(qp)*
2.       (p* + q)* and (p + q)*
3.       (p* + q*)* and (p+q)*

1.       (pq)*p  and p(qp)*
Let L1 = (pq)*p
L1 = {p, pqp, pqpqp, pqpqpqp, pqpqpqp….}

L2 = p(qp)*
L2 = {p, pqp, pqpqp, pqpqpqp, pqpqpqp….}

Hence the both RE have the same language over the alphabet p and q.
2.       (p* + q)* and (p + q)*
Let L1 = (p*+q)*
L1 = {,p,q,pq,qqp,ppq,….}
L2 = (p+q)*
L2 = {,p,q,pq,qqp,ppq,…}
Hence the both RE have the same language over the alphabet p and q.
3.       (p* + q*)* and (p+q)*
L1 = {p* + q*}*
L1 = {,p,q,pq,ppqq,pppqqq,ppppqqqq…}
L2 = (p+q)*
L2 = {, p,q,pq,ppqq,pppqqq,ppppqqqq…}

Hence the both RE have the same language over the alphabet p and q.

Q2. Write a regular expression for the following language over the alphabet L = {x,y} such that it accepts all strings in which the letter y is never tripled this mean that no word contains the substring yyy.
= {xy,yxx,yyx,yxxx,xxxyy,yxxxx…}

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