Friday, May 22, 2020

CS401 Assignment 1 solution 2020 with Download file and code


 Q 1. Calculate the effective address for the following set of values. (5)

Code Segment = 6032h
BX = 3060h
DI = 4001h
Offset = 0470h
CS = 5032h
BX = 3060h
DI = 4001h
Offset = 0470h
Effective Address = ?
Here memory access under consideration is [CS:BX+DI+Offset]
Then the Effective address = BX+DI+Offset
= 3060h + 4001h + 0470h
Efffecctive Address = 74D1h

Q 2. Find the physical Address, if segment address is FF01H and offset is FF02H. (7)
Segment Address = FF01h
Offset Address = FF02h
Physical Address = ?
Physical Address = (Segment Address * 10) + Offset Address
= (FF01h * 10) + FF02h
= FF010h + FF02h
Physical Address = 10EF12h

Q 3. Calculate the offset when the physical address is 003Ch and the contents of segment register are 003Ah. (8)
Physical Address = 003Ch
Segment Register = 003Ah
Offset = ?
Physical Address = Segment Register + Offset Address
Offset = Physical Address - Segment Register
Offset = 003Ch – 003Ah
Offset = 0002h

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