Sunday, April 26, 2020

C++ Challenge #5 | Bank Management System part (1/3) (Interview Preparat...

here is the part 1/3 code

// Bank Management system

// requirements

// 1) Deposite money

// 2) withdraw money

// 3) balance

// 4) transfer

// 5) program exit

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int totalamount = 500;

int deposite_amount;

int withdraw_amount;

int transfer_amount;

void deposite(){

cout << "Enter the amount you want to deposite" <<endl;

cin >> deposite_amount;

totalamount += deposite_amount;

cout << "payment has been deposite" <<endl;


void withdraw(){

cout << "Enter the amount you want to withdraw" <<endl;

cin >> withdraw_amount;

totalamount -= withdraw_amount;

cout << "payment has been withdrawn";


void balance(){

cout << "total amount " << totalamount;


void transfer(){

cout << "Enter the amount you want to transfer" <<endl;

cin >> transfer_amount;

totalamount -= transfer_amount;

cout << "payment has been transfered";




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